“There must be some primal force, but it is impossible to locate. I believe it exists but cannot see it. I see its results, I can even feel it, but it has no form.”
Zhuang Zi, Inner Chapters, Fourth Century B.C.E.
Qi—A resource so essential it is impossible to define or translate
Gong—To Cultivate--practice or methodology
~ Roger Jahnke, O.M.D.—The Healing Promise of Qi~
We invite you to explore the profound practice of Qigong. This is for those who desire a deep dive into your being through the exploration of Qigong. In this intensive foundational series, we will uncover the basic premises in Taoist philosophy, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and the felt sense of energy or Qi in the body. We will present beginning exercises from three Qigong traditions. The series will unfold with discussions, gentle energy/body movements, breathing and meditation practices. We encourage you to engage in a written witness of your experience as your journey unfolds. We ask that you commit to all 8 sessions offered over 4 Sunday’s. Recordings will be made available between sessions.
This a beginning series open to anyone!
October 17th and 24th
November 14th and 21st
10:00am-12:00pm and 1:00pm-3:00pmPT
We will be offering hybrid sessions Zoom and In-Person at the Sound View Center located at 432 Third Street in Langley.
If you plan to attend the in-person offerings we are asking for your fully vaccination and wear a mask per the Washington State Health Mandates. We will gather in the Cascade room. This is a large room
which will accommodate social distancing and we will leave the doors/windows open for increased ventilation as weather permits. Currently, we require masking as well as social distancing in all indoor spaces. This may change based upon changing State mandates as well as honoring Sound View current (and potentially changing) policies.
We will limit the in-person sessions to 8 participants on a first come first serve basis. Please also be kind as we test this new way of being. There will likely be “hiccups” along the way as we learn to adjust.
Please wear loose comfortable clothing and wash your hands as we often touch our faces. Bring the following optional items to each session: yoga mat, a tennis, dryer ball or other foot massage implement, journal/paper and writing implement, water and comfortable upright chair(in person chairs will be provided).
This offering is made through Growing Cedars Qigong minimum donation $240 for the series. No one turned away for lack of funds. To register and for more information please contact Akbar at: saddiq@whidbey.com